ADHD assessment in adults

How is ADHD in adults different from ADHD in a child?
Though it is called adult ADHD, symptoms start in early childhood and continue into adulthood. In some cases, ADHD is not recognized or diagnosed until the person is an adult. Adult ADHD symptoms may not be as clear as ADHD symptoms in children. In adults, hyperactivity may decrease, but struggles with impulsiveness, restlessness and difficulty paying attention may continue.
Symptoms of adult ADHD
Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can exhibit a variety of symptoms, which can be categorized into two main groups: inattention symptoms and hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms. Not all individuals with adult ADHD will display the same set of symptoms, and the severity of these symptoms can vary. Common symptoms include:
Inattention Symptoms:
Difficulty Focusing: Struggling to sustain attention, getting easily distracted, and having trouble staying on task.
Careless Mistakes: Making frequent errors in work, school assignments, or everyday tasks due to inattention to detail.
Organization Challenges: Difficulty in organizing tasks, managing time, and keeping track of responsibilities.
Avoiding Tasks Requiring Mental Effort: Aversion to tasks that demand sustained mental effort or attention.
Forgetfulness: Frequently forgetting appointments, obligations, and where items have been placed.
Hyperactivity/Impulsivity Symptoms:
Restlessness: Feeling the need to move, being unable to stay seated when it's expected, and often experiencing inner restlessness.
Impulsivity: Acting without thinking about the consequences, interrupting others during conversations, and difficulty waiting for one's turn.
Talking Excessively: Engaging in conversations or activities excessively, often without restraint.
Risky Behavior: Engaging in impulsive or risky behaviors, such as reckless driving or substance abuse.
Difficulty in Quiet Activities: Finding it challenging to engage in quiet, focused activities without being restless or fidgeting.
The assessment process at Manor Clinic
ADHD diagnostic evaluation is provided at Manor Clinic by one of our highly experienced psychologists (ADHD specialists). The ADHD specialist gathers information from multiple sources. These sources include ADHD symptom checklists, standardized behavior rating scales, a detailed history of past and current functioning, and information obtained from family members or significant others (when possible) who know the person well. Â A diagnosis of ADHD includes consideration of the possible presence of co-occurring conditions.
Additional testing
Depending on your assessment, additional psychological, neuropsychological or learning disabilities testing may be required. These do not diagnose ADHD directly but can provide important information about ways in which ADHD affects the individual. The testing can also help determine the presence and effects of co-existing conditions. For example, in order to decide whether or not you have a learning/intellectual disability, the assessor will usually give a test of intellectual ability as well as a test of academic achievement.
Concluding the evaluation
Toward the end of the evaluation, the ADHD specialist will integrate the information that has been collected through diverse sources, complete a written summary or report, and provide the individual and family with diagnostic opinions concerning ADHD as well as any other mental disorders or developmental disorders that may have been identified during the course of the assessment. The ADHD specialist will then review treatment options and assist you in planning a course of appropriate intervention.Â
Recommended treatment for adult ADHD
The ADHD specialist will provide a comprehensive treatment plan to address your psychological, behavioral, and occupational/educational needs. As Manor Clinic is a multidisciplinary mental health clinic, our ADHD specialists regularly consult with our in-house consulting psychiatrist for diagnostic clarification and to make treatment recommendations. Our psychiatrist can work with your family doctor/general practitioner on prescribing ADHD medications like Adderall, Vyvanse and Concerta.
Why do an ADHD assessment at Manor Clinic?
We recognize that finally being tested for ADHD as an adult can be a big step. And that a private ADHD assessment is a serious financial investment. We offer ADHD diagnostic services by our highly experienced psychologists (ADHD specialists). As Manor Clinic is a multidisciplinary mental health clinic, our ADHD specialists regularly consult with our in-house consulting psychiatrist for diagnostic clarification and to make treatment recommendations. Our team has helped hundreds of clients with attention deficits get their lives back on track. Our team uses internationally recognized gold-standard assessment tools for diagnosing ADHD. This improves the diagnostic accuracy of the ADHD assessment. We provide accommodation in school/work or extra time on standardized tests like the SAT, GRE, GMAT, MCAT, etc.